Dancespiration: Confidence is Key

Confidence is something that all dancers must have and all dancers will attain.  If dancing makes you feel like less than you are, you're not dancing!  Learn to have fun with your body and the music.  Training is important because it develops your strength and technical skills, but sometimes there is nothing like letting go and dancing your emotions.  Oftentimes  you'll grow to a new level of capability when you relax and let things flow from your movement's expression.  Have confidence in your ability to be confident.  Dancers especially have the tendency to be too self critical.  What helps me is remembering why I dance.  It's not so I can have the perfect body or so I can be a perfect person...I dance to live in the moment and learn by the moment.  Each new moment teaches me something new and gives me more knowledge. My dance coach always says, "Knowledge is confidence." Keep dancing, keep moving, stay confident!  


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