Dancespiration: Hard Work Works Out

Focus. Dedication.  Relentless Determination.  Inspiration is a whim of the moment, but hold onto these qualities and you will hold fast to your dreams.  It's easy to get distracted in the day to day tasks or even the daily distractions such as phones or fun or tv.  The important thing is that you remember every day why you work so hard, who you do it for, and ask yourself everyday, "Do I want this?"  If the answer is yes, then work.  Dream. Push the limits of reality.  Push your body. Push your mentality. Push your resources. Push your luck. Push your dreams.  Make them happen. Push yourself into the reality you've always dreamed of. Make it happen, and you'll find you won't regret it.  You'll wake up in a new life, a new world, and a new you. 



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