Dancespiration: Easy Does It

Amidst all the crap that one finds on the internet these days, sometimes there is that one video that pops up and you say, "Wow, that was actually kinda worthwhile."  I'd say that Shia Labeouf's "Just Do It" speech is a shining jewel amongst the marbles.  Maybe it was the emphatic crotch gestures or perhaps it was his braid, but his speech was impacting and circles the internet in memes and vines.  It's circulated my mind since I saw it, and has become my go to motto for any difficult choice I have in front of me.
Though many viewed this inspirational speech as more than eccentric and just another sign of Labeouf's craziness, I myself found it very helpful.  It gave me a simple mentality to refer to when I was tired, ready to give up, or exhausted and didn't know how to start another day.  This simple video impacted me with its entirety of 62 seconds, and gave me a reason to keep working towards my dreams, every day.  "You should get to the point where anyone else would quit and you're not going to stop there."
He's right.  Be it in dance practice, teaching, work, or performance, I will always push myself further.  Because I know that if I want my dreams to come true, I'll have to wake up, stop dreaming, and Just Do It.

While you were sleeping
So were your dreams

Don't Let Your Dreams Be Dreams

Part of the "Just Do It" campaign



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