DancExpression: Comedy in Dance

     I just finished a private lesson with my coach on 'Personality in Dance', and it's got me thinking about comedy in dance. 
     Sometimes I miss the days of dance when I had fun and laughter over technique and timing.  I miss the simplicity of expressing myself without wondering if I was doing the right step.  I miss making up my own steps!  I look at this picture and I can't tell what dance these two are doing, especially seeming as they each have a lamp shade on their head.  All I see is a weird couple having fun and honestly it makes me want to giggle.  Sure maybe they're in the comfort of their own home, but what if they were at a friend's get together...maybe they're putting on a show, gutsy and silly as it may be.  Somehow this picture inspires me to realize my true nature and integrate it into dance again.
     I'm a goofy girl.  I like attention and laughter, and I'm so crazy people keep asking me, "Why aren't you on the Internet already?!"  I guess the answer to that is....I'm shy.  Maybe I could deal with being goofy online if I had a lamp shade over MY head, but otherwise it would be a challenge.
     You may ask, how can someone who loves attention be shy?  It's called taking yourself too seriously.  And I think I have a huge prescription cabinet filled with solutions for that ailment....only none of them are working!!  Except one thing...a natural remedy that doctors or dancers don't usually prescribe.  And that's....comedy! Yes my friends, good old laughter.
     I used to dress up and perform dance skits for people,  and the result would always be rewarding.  Laughter and smiles and forgetting to breathe because they can't stop  laughing.  And okay maybe it was just for my family and the occasional house guest, but that reaction is one that will stay with me forever.  When I go in front of an audience for competitive dancing, I realized that I want that reaction!  Maybe it will be different for the slow dances, but I would love to hear laughter in the audience.  If I can find a way to make it appealing to the judges and funny to the onlookers, I'm happy!

I realized that taking yourself too seriously is an ailment to be remedied by being who you really are.  Comedy and Risk-Taking are my attributes to bring to dance, but my partner's may be different.  Dancing is meant to be fun.  Sure there are serious aspects of it, but I believe it is more important to focus on what you love about it, and what you can bring to dance.  Like for instance, I know if I don't lighten up and put a lampshade over my head (eh, get it?), I will miss out on part of what I love about dance...the simple release it holds for all, especially when you give your audience a great show and in return receive a great reaction.



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