DancEssential: Intrinsic Movement

My last blog post discussed a sub topic of "Personality in Dance."  Today I would like to muse about another aspect of personality. 

Intrinsic: belonging naturally; essential

Movement: the act of changing physical position

Intrinsic Movement means to change physical position naturally, or natural movement.  Which coins in my mind the term 'movement from within.' 

Dance requires that you adopt new steps and rhythms, mastering them technically and executing them seamlessly.  It also demands personality through each movement, which is not a seamless aspect of humanity at all. 

I often struggle with the great divide between these two aspects of dance.  Technical proficiency is vital for success, yet without personality it is just an animated textbook.  Without personality there is no innovation.  Without innovation this art form would die.

Intrinsic Movement, or movement from within, is key.  Within yourself exists knowledge and attributes.  Within yourself exists two sides of the dance coin.  Knowledge is where your technique lies, and your attributes create personality.  Dance is inside of you, hence movement begins within you as well. 

Forced movement, or overthinking, clouds knowledge and blocks personality.  Natural movement releases technique and livens attributes.  Intrinsic Movement occurs when you allow a movement to reach in and connect to the coin inside of you.  Your knowledge will remember the move, and your attributes will form it into something unique. 

I will dance my best when I allow dance moves to seep into my knowledge and person and in return deliver a beautiful, full movement with excellent execution and innovation.  Through this I will find the confident ability to push my comfort zone and always expand my training. 



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