Dancespiration: The Three Hurdles

Trust.  It's precarious to trust others, but it's imperative to trust yourself. 

Fear.  It's easy to fear the unknown, but it's fear that holds us back from ever knowing. 

Risk.  It's scary to take risks, but gain is worthless if you don't risk to gain what's worthwhile.    

As dancers, we are faced with these three factors daily.  How do we trust our bodies? Or even our dance partner?

How do we overcome our fear of failure or hurting ourselves, especially during new choreography?

How do we accept the risk of all that could happen, to make something beautiful that maybe people thought couldn't happen?  

Dancers push the limits every day, every moment, through their movements.  Those who don't, remain static...stuck at a level they can't progress from.   

Those who learn to overcome these three hurdles will find they are never rid of them.  As you learn to trust your body, overcome your fear, and embrace the risk, you will face another challenge.  

This challenge will push you, but you have to push back.  
You have to risk everything again to gain something more for your dancing.   

However you tackle the challenge, it is important to choose your own pace.
And to always remember:

Trust will be earned.  
Fear will find its way.
Risk will keep you going.

And dancers, we must always risk losing ourselves for the sake of raising the stakes. 




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